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Location: Portugal

"Whether it be the Soul itself, or God in the Soul, that shines by Lov, or both, it is difficult to tell: but certainly the Lov of the Soul is the sweetest Thing in the world." (Thomas Traherne, Centuries 4:83).

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Wonder (P: 6, 8, 10)

How like an Angel came I down!
How Bright are all Things here!
When first among his Works I did appear
O how their GLORY me did Crown!
The World resembled his Eternitie,
In which my Soul did Walk;
And evry Thing that I did see
Did with me talk.


Como, tal um anjo, aqui desci!
Como brilham aqui todas as coisas!
Quando entre as suas obras apareci
oh como me coroava a sua glória!
O mundo com a sua eternidade se parecia,
em que a minha alma caminhava;
e toda a coisa que via
comigo conversava.



The World was more in me, then I in it.
The King of Glory in my Soul did sit.
And to Himself in me he always gave,
All that he takes Delight to see me have.
For so my Spirit was an Endless Sphere,
Like God himself, and Heaven and Earth was there.

O mundo estava mais em mim do que eu nele.
O Rei da glória na minha alma tinha assento.
E em mim a Si mesmo dava
tudo aquilo em que O deleita ver-me ter.
O meu espírito era assim uma esfera sem fim
como o próprio Deus e lá estavam a Terra e o Céu.


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